Enter the dragon: Policies to attract Chinese investment
Over the last ten years, Chinese enterprises have become more multi-national in nature.
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Over the last ten years, Chinese enterprises have become more multi-national in nature.
Abstract: Myanmar’s emergence from decades of isolation provides an opportunity to learn from the
In response to tightening global competition and the ripple effects of the 2008 economic crisis U
Regardless of the occasional dissenting voices, free trade is now being embraced by many of the n
Abstract: The small and medium enterprise (SME) sector in the Philippines is a significant group
Abstract: Several studies using firm-level data could not find significant evidence to support th
Under the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) all parties
By applying panel estimation models to Chinese provincial level data for 1993- 2008, this paper e
This paper looks at the possibilities of a concluding “Bali package” on the issues that are curre
The handbook is a practical introduction to preparing to negotiate preferential trade agreements.