How Asia Works: Success and Failure in the World’s Most Dynamic Region
Joe Studwell’s study of Asia’s economic growth story offers a three-step recipe for development:
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Joe Studwell’s study of Asia’s economic growth story offers a three-step recipe for development:
Structural transformation, economic diversification and logistics are some of the issues explored
The Aid for Trade (AfT) initiative was launched at the conclusion of the WTO Hong Kong Ministeria
Abstract: Recent reforms in Myanmar have already shown some positive impacts on the manufacturing
In the Great Rebalancing, Michael Pettis (2013) argues that existing global trade and capital imb
SMEs are vital for growth and jobs in Bangladesh, accounting for 40 per cent of all employment.
This policy brief reviews the level of labour market integration in ASEAN and assesses labour mar
Kazakhstan joined the Eurasian Customs Union (ECU) with Russia and Belarus in 2010 leading to cha
This study aimed at identifying key factors affecting SME participation in direct export and inte
Abstract: Several theories have been put forward by the researchers to explain foreign direct inv