While expanding trade and investment has driven growth in many countries, particularly in Asia and the Pacific, many countries, and many groups within countries, have not been able to see the benefits from trade. This realisation that the rising tide has not lifted all boats has driven research in many institutions about how to ensure more groups are able to benefit from trade-related development, and how increasing inclusivity can benefit the economy as a whole.

  • European Centre for Development Policy Management: CSR in international trade and investment agreements [open]
  • ECLAC: 6th Regional Meeting on Public Policy Analysis With Computable General Equilibrium Models [open]
  • European Parliament: The EU's Trade Policy: from gender-blind to gender-sensitive [open]
  • European Parliament: Gender Equality in Trade Agreements [open]
  • European Trade Union Institute: ‘Bad jobs’ recovery? European Job Quality Index 2005-2015 [open]
  • German Development Institute (DIE): Do Trade Deals Encourage Environmental Cooperation? [open]
  • GED Mini-Series: Inclusiveness in the Global Trading System - How Did We Get Here? [open]
  • ILO: Assessment of labour provisions in trade and investment arrangements [open]
  • ILO: Corporate social responsibility in international trade and investment agreements: implications for states, business and workers[open]
  • ILO: Foreign trade barriers and jobs in global supply chains[open]
  • ILO: Linking jobs in global supply chains to demand[open]
  • ILO: Mapping and measuring the effectiveness of labour-related disclosure requirements for global supply chains [open]
  • ILO: Promoting responsible supply chains in Asia [open]
  • ILO: Regional Conference on Women and the Future of Work in Asia and the Pacific [open]
  • ILO: Risks and rewards: Outcomes of labour migration in South-East Asia [open]
  • ILO: World Employment and Social Outlook 2015, Chapter 5 [open]
  • ILO: World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2018 [open]
  • Just Jobs: United States free trade agreements and enforcement of labour law in Latin America [open]
  • Just Jobs: Research project in global value chains: Inclusive industrialization for ASEAN [open]