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Events & Publications on the topic: Technology, Trade and Investment

Embracing the E-commerce Revolution in Asia and the Pacific

From e-banking for the unbanked to small and medium-sized enterprises joining supply chains, to individuals marketing new products and services and farmers accessing real-time weather and market data, e-commerce provides a modern, still evolving marketplace that can make economies far more inclusive.

Workshop on using technology in support of Trade for Micro, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

SCAP is organizing a workshop focusing on using technology in support of trade for micro, small and medium sized enterprises. Through this workshop we hope to pioneer a new way of bringing together government and the private sector to develop an actionable, high-impact capacity building program to enable regional governments to use the technology revolution to unlock regional MSMEs’ potential for inclusive trade, economic growth, and job-creation.

ILO - Call for abstracts: Technology and the transition from informal to formal economy

The International Labour Organization (ILO) and UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) invite researchers to submit proposals for innovative research papers relevant to the theme of the use of digital technologies in support of accelerating results in the transition from the informal to formal economy. The deadline for submission has been EXTENDED to 11 September 2020. ILO Call for abstracts: Link

Asia-Pacific Forum on Science and Technology Park

Development of science, technology and innovation is critical to future economic growth. Initiatives such as science and technology parks which provide enabling infrastructure and bring together key stakeholders such as entrepreneurs, researchers and investors often bring positive impacts on the development and commercialization of innovative solutions.

Regional Consultation on eCommerce for Sustainable Development

This consultation meeting will provide an overview of emerging challenges and opportunities in the fields of digital economy and ecommerce, and outline policy imperatives on these agendas for SDG progress. Participants include government officials and other policymakers, private sector representatives and researchers.