ESCAP-WIPO innovation driven development: Building national institutional capacities in the least developed countries in Asia and the Pacific
Regional event on "Innovation driven development: Building national institutional capacities in the least developed countries in Asia and the Pacific" organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in cooperation with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP).
Addressed to government officials from LDCs, themes include:
- Building Innovation and Technological Capacities of Least Developed Countries (LDCs)
- Cooperation Programs of WIPO: The Use of Intellectual Property System in Building the Innovation and Technological Capacities of LDCs
- Innovation in Institutions in the LDCs: Challenges and Priorities
- Promoting Innovation in Institutions: Policies and Strategies
- Supporting Technology Transfer in Asia and the Pacific
- Intellectual Property System for Development : A Practical Approach to Promote Technology Transfer
- Development of Institutional System in The Chamber of Commerce and Industry to support Innovation, Investment and Commercialization in Enterprise
- Commercialization of Invention and Innovation; Strategies and Approaches for Industries and Enterprises
- Development of Institutional Innovation System in the Least Developed Countries in Asia and the Pacific : The Way Forward
More information will be available soon.