Is India’s services trade pro-poor? A simultaneous approach
Trade in services in India has been growing rapidly since beginning of the last decade, following
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Trade in services in India has been growing rapidly since beginning of the last decade, following
The impact of trade liberalization on growth and employment is a much debated and controversial i
In line with trends in the other economies, South Asia has been actively engaged in trade liberal
Trade in services is a rapidly growing area of international trade.
The formation of international production networks is widely recognized as one of the most import
Free trade agreements (FTAs) have gained increasing global popularity.
The past quarter of a century has witnessed among many countries across the development spectrum
One of the most striking features of global economic development over the past few decades has be
The trade facilitation negotiations have been one of the more active topics in the Doha negotiati
Since the launch of the major liberalisation programme in the early Nineties, the Indian governme